
* 營業時間依FB公告為主 *

室內游泳池 Indoor Swimming Pool

飲水機、醫護室、置鞋區、練習用浮板、投幣式置物櫃、開放式置物櫃 、免費吹風機、男/女淋浴間及廁所、20米泳道(3道)、25米泳道(6道)。

開放時間  1月~6月 及 9月~12月

週一~週五 PM 18:00 ~ PM 22:00

週六~週日 AM 08:00 ~ PM 12:00

及例假日    PM 13:00 ~ PM 17:00

                  PM 18:00 ~ PM 22:00

開放時間  7月~8月

週一~週日 AM 08:00 ~ PM 12:00

                PM 13:00 ~ PM 17:00

                 PM 18:00 ~ PM 22:00


溫馨提醒: PM 12:00~13:00及PM 17:00~18:00兩個時段為清場(清潔)時間


游泳池安全須知 Swimmng Pool Safety Notice


■Before entering the pool, be sure to take a shower thoroughly, remove makeup,and put on a clean swimming suit, cap.


■Running, jumping, and eating is strictly forbidden near the pool.


■Admission to the pool shall be denied to all persons bringing pets and baby carriage、food.


■Admission to the pool shall be denied to all persons who has eaten, drank, or eaten betel nut within the past 30 minutes.


■It is forbidden to bring any dangerous goods into the venue to ensure the safety of the museum.


■Children under the height of 130 cm are forbidden to enter the pool alone for their safety.


■If any person does not feel well while swimming or using any of the facilities, please notify the lifeguard or other staff.


■it is forbidden to use any large-scale swimming equipment and diving equipment (such as rubber boats, mirrors, large surfboards and oxygen masks, etc)


■Maintain the quality of the water, remove makeup before entering the pool. Rinse thoroughly and do not apply any personal care products to avoid skin allergies or adverse effects.


■Admission to the pool shall be denied to all persons with hypertension or heart disease、pregnant women, or persons with any contagious disease.


■The company will not be responsible for any accident if it does not comply with the above regulations.


■Those who have violated the above regulations and been advised of ineffectiveness may be ordered to leave the field. No refund will be made on this site.


室內羽、籃球場 Indoor Badminton & Basketball Court



開放時間 1月~6月 及 9~12月
週一          PM 17:00 ~ PM 22:00
週二~週日 AM 07:00 ~ PM 22:00

開放時間 7月~8月
週一~週日 AM 07:00 ~ PM 22:00


羽、籃球場安全須知Indoor Badminton Basketball Court Safety Notic


■Pets are not allowed in the stadium.


■Do not move or turn on/off any electronic devices without permission.


■Smoking, drinking, chewing betel nut and gum are not allowed in the stadium.


■The stadium is strictly prohibited to bring food and drinks. (except mineral water.)

■全館嚴禁販賣同質性商品及推銷(任何業務、物品) 。

■Selling same type of goods or promoting items is strictly prohibited in the stadium.


■Playing across different court is strictly prohibited. (do not use unpaid or unauthorized venues.)


■Do not carry knives with you, or wearing high heels, even bringing any sharp objects, which will destroy the court surface.


■Do not let children run around or play, which may cause injury to themselves or others. The company won’t take any responsibility for their own behavior.


■Be sure to warm up before exercising to avoid injuries.


■This stadium are not allowed private teaching, the person who’s warned but still to do so , the stadium has the authority not to rent, cancel an appointment, or ask him/her to leave.


■Please wear badminton sports clothing and shoes when entering the stadium to avoid injuries. Do not take off the clothes, wearing slippers, or being barefoot. If causing injuries without following the rule, please be responsible for yourself.


■The stadium is only for the use of rented space,the company is not responsible for  personal sports injury.


綜合教室 Comprehensive Classroom



週一          PM 17:00 ~ PM 22:00
週二~週日 AM 08:00 ~ PM 22:00



















接待大廳 Gym Reception Hall



週一          PM 17:00 ~ PM 22:00
週二~週日 AM 07:00 ~ PM 22:00



兒童閱覽室 Kid's Reading Area



兒童閱覽室使用須知Kid's Reading Area


■Please keep the noise down and no frolicking.


■Children are prohibited to relieve bowls in the room.


■Chewing or gum, drinking and eating are not allowed in the place.


■Please take off the shoes and place them orderly before entering the room.


■The Stadium has the right to alter the rules according to actual site situation.


■Please maintain the cleanliness and order of the room.  Please ask service counter staff for any inquiries.


■The Stadium has the rights to open or close the room due to needs of special activities and classes.


■Please do not steal toys from the stadium or else law reinforcement and compensation will be strongly enforced.


■Please beware of your own children's safety and refrain children from dangerous activities such as pushing to ensure safety.


■Children height below 120CM are not allowed to enter. (Children require parent's guardian to avoid accident)


■The Stadium reserves the right to prohibit use of the facility in concern to its environment and safety and is not responsible for reimbursement and compensation for any injuries or violation to others caused by personal factor or not cooperating with the rules and coach instructions.





週一          PM 17:00 ~ PM 22:00
週二~週日 AM 07:00 ~ PM 22:00











